Introduction to BTCP/L and GFP

One fact that YMP3 has seen through its ministry here in Indonesia is just how many people minister in local churches that have been heavily entrusted with ministry responsibilities and yet are untrained and/or not well-equipped for their ministry. Because of this, we long to empower these people so that they can develop their unique God-given potential and to train them how to be more effective in their ministry, so that they in turn can train and equip others to be more effective in their calling and ministry.

In this effort, YMP3 partners with Crossing Culture International (CCI) through the use of two tools, called the Bible Training Centre for Pastors and Church Leaders (BTCP/L) and God’s Financial Principles (GFP), to encourage church leaders and other ministers who feel the need to be equipped in these areas.

CCI’s mission and purpose is “To equip national leaders with comprehensive training for effective local church ministry, church planting efforts, and cross-cultural missions.”

To date, YMP3 and CCI have held trainings utilizing these tools in various locations throughout Indonesia, including Papua, Papua Barat, and Sumba. The impact from these trainings is evident as the students experience transformation in their lives and in turn influence their families, local churches, and their places of work.

Menjangkau dan Memuridkan Komunitas Suku di Indonesia melalui Penerjemahan Alkitab.